Monday, 27 May 2013

9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

We’ve all seen, heard or read them many times before. Let’s sort things out once and for all. Here are nine simple ways to keep your teeth healthy and strong.

  • Brush Regularly: You should do this at least twice a day in the morning and right before bedtime. The use of fluoride products is highly recommended. Also, use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • Floss Regularly: Dental floss removes food particles lodged between the teeth.
  • Antibacterial Mouthwash: Gargle right after brushing and flossing.
  • Avoid Cola and/or Soda: The citric or phosphoric acid content has a corrosive effect on your pearly whites. If you can’t help it, at least minimize your consumption.
  • Say No to Tobacco: Tobacco products all have the same effect on your teeth. They stain and weaken them. If that’s not enough to steer you away from it, try cancer.
  • Chewable Gums: They’re sweet. They’re fun. And they help clean the teeth by removing unwanted germs and bacteria. Pick out a gum that’s specially made for after meals. Avoid those that increase sugar content in your mouth; those kinds attract germs to your teeth.
  • Alcohol: Just drink in moderation. Remember, too much of something is bad enough and can cause something bad like tooth decay or gum disease or awful, like cancer. Heavy drinkers, take heed.
  • Healthy Diet: Sensible food choices help maintain a fit and healthy body as well as strong teeth and gums.
  • Visit Your Dentist: Have your pearly whites checked at least twice a year.

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