Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Getting to the bottom of sensitive teeth

Dentine hypersensitivity is a sudden, sharp shooting pain in the teeth triggered by hot, cold or acidic foodstuff. Pain is also felt with touch, such as from chewing or tooth-brushing, and with air pressure, such as when one is breathing through the mouth.

Oral bacteria in pregnant mother can infect the unborn fetus

Periodontal disease (gum infection) can spread through the bloodstream and infect the uterus (womb). This could cause low birth weight, premature delivery and infection of the unborn child. A case report published in the Green Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reported fetal death due to infection of oral bacteria, Fusobacterium nucleatum, found in gum disease.

Acupuncture before treatment eases anxiety of dental patients

Patient anxiety or fear of going to the dentist has been one of the predicaments dental practitioners face when providing dental care. One in 20 patients or 5% of patients in the US and Europe have odontophobia, or extreme dental fear, while up to one-third experience some degree of anxiety.

Regular intake of green tea prevents and cures gum disease, study finds

Green tea has become an increasingly popular beverage being touted in numerous studies as having therapeutic benefits for heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, genital warts and obesity. Green tea’s antioxidant properties are believed to produce anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.